I. Vego, V. Richefeu, G. Felekis, A. Tengattini, G. Viggiani (Géotechnique Letters) A simple discrete approach to explore the response of swelling and softening particles
S. Lapillonne, G. Fourtakas, V. Richefeu, G. Piton, G. Chambon Towards debris flows simulation using SPH: Validation of internal behaviours of viscous mixtures and numerical experiments on debris flow fronts
O. Ozenda, V. Richefeu, G. Chambon, G. Combe (Acta Geotechnica) Discrete element cells as a constitutive law in the material point method: key points of implementation
D.-C. Vu, L. Amarsid, J.-Y. Delenne, V. Richefeu, F. Radjai (2024) Particle fracture regimes from impact simulations, Physical Review E 109(4), 044907
A. Casarella, A. Tarantino, V. Richefeu, A. di Donna (2024) Evaluation and improvement of Gay-Berne interaction potential to simulate 3D DLVO interaction of clay particles, Computers and Geotechnics 170, 106221
D.-C. Vu, L. Amarsid. J.-Y. Delenne, V. Richefeu, F. Radjai (2024) Rheology and scaling behavior of polyhedral particle flows in rotating drums, Powder Technology 434, 119338
D.-C. Vu, L. Amarsid. J.-Y. Delenne, V. Richefeu, F. Radjai (2024) Macro-elasticity of granular materials composed of polyhedral particles, Granular Matter 26(6), https://doi.org/10.1007/s10035-023-01382-3
S. Lapillonne, F. Fontaine, F. Liebault, V. Richefeu, G. Piton (2023) Debris-flow surges of a very active alpine torrent: a field database, Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 23(4), pp. 1241-1256
B. Garcia, P. Villard, V. Richefeu, D. Daudon (2022) Comparison of full-scale rockfall tests with 3D complex-shaped discrete element simulations, Engineering Geology 310, 106855
M. Stasiak, G. Combe, V. Richefeu, P. Villard, G. Armand, J. Zghondi (2022) High compression of granular assemblies of brittle hollow particles. Investigation through a 3D discrete element model, Comp. Part. Mech. https://doi.org/10.1007/s40571-021-00449-3
P. Huu Bui, V. Richefeu, F. Dufour (2021) Microstructural dimension involved in the damage of concrete-like materials: an examination by the lattice element method, International Journal of Damage Mechanics, First Published: September 7, https://doi.org/10.1177/10567895211045118
B. Garcia, V. Richefeu, J. Baroth, D. Daudon, P. Villard (2020) Collision of shaped boulders with sand substrate investigated by experimental, stochastic and discrete approaches, JGR - Earth Surface 125(11), November 2020, https://doi.org/10.1029/2019JF005500
T. Horiguchi, V. Richefeu (2020) Post-analysis simulation of the collapse of an open sabo dam of steel pipes subjected to boulder laden debris flow, International Journal of Sediment Research 35(6), pp. 621-635
V. Richefeu, G. Combe (2020) The Particle Image Tracking technique: an accurate optical method for measuring individual kinematics of rigid particles, Strain, First Published June 29, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1111/str.12362
F. Gracia, P. Villard, V. Richefeu (2019) Comparison of two numerical approaches (DEM and MPM) applied to unsteady flow, Computational Particle Mechanics, 6(4), pp. 591-609
M. Tolomeo, V. Richefeu, G. Combe, J.-N. Roux, G. Viggiani (2018) An assessment of discrete element approaches to infer intergranular forces from experiments on 2D granular media, International Journal of Solids and Structures 187, pp. 48-57
L. Viallon-Galinier, G. Combe, V. Richefeu, A.P.F. Atman (2018) Emergence of shear bands in confined granular systems: singularity of the q-statistics, Entropy, 20(11), 862
J. Desrues, A. Argilaga, D. Caillerie, G. Combe, T.K. Nguyen, V. Richefeu, S. dal Pont (2019) From discrete to continuum modelling of Boundary Value Problems in Geomechanics: an integrated FEM-DEM approach, Int J Numer Anal Methods Geomech 43(5). pp. 919–955
V. Richefeu, F. Radjaï, J.-Y. Delenne (2016) Lattice Boltzmann modelling of liquid distribution in unsaturated granular media, Computer and Geotechnics 80, pp. 353-359
G. Combe, V. Richefeu, M. Stasiak, A.P.F. Atman (2015) Experimental validation of nonextensive scaling law in confined granular media. Physical Review Letter 115, 238301
G. Mollon, V. Richefeu, P. Villard, D. Daudon (2015) Discrete modelling of rock avalanches: sensitivity to block and slope geometries. Granular Matter 17(5), pp. 645-666
J.-Y. Delenne, V. Richefeu, F. Radjaï (2015) Liquid clustering and capillary pressure in granular media. J. Fluid Mech. 762, R5 (see also the Focus on Fluids by J.-N. Roux)
D. Daudon, P. Villard, V. Richefeu, G. Mollon (2014) Influence of the morphology of slope and blocks on the energy dissipations in a rock avalanche. C.R. Mecanique 343(2), pp. 166-177
P. Bottelin, D. Jongmans, D. Daudon, A. Mathy, A. Helmstetter, V. Bonilla-Sierra, H. Cadet, D. Amitrano, V. Richefeu, L. Lorier, L. Baillet, P. Villard, F. Donzé (2014) Seismic and mechanical studies of the artificially triggered rockfall at the Mount Néron (French Alps, December 2011). Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 14(2), 2014, pp. 3175-3193
S. Jauvert, R. Peyroux, V. Richefeu (2013) A mechanical model for cell motility and tissue morphogenesis. Computer Methods in Biomechanicsand Biomedical Engineering 16(1), pp. 13-14
V. Richefeu, G. Combe, G. Viggiani (2012) An experimental assessment of displacement fluctuations in a 2D granular material subjected to shear. Géotechnique Letters 2, pp. 113-118
G. Mollon, V. Richefeu, P. Villard, D. Daudon (2012) Numerical simulation of rock avalanches: influence of local dissipative contact model on the collective behavior of granular flows. Journal of Geophysical Resarch 117, F02036
V. Richefeu, G. Mollon, D. Daudon, P. Villard (2012) Dissipative contacts and realistic block shapes for modeling rock avalanches. Engineering Geology vol. 149-150, pp. 78-92
B. Harthong, J.-F. Jérier, V. Richefeu, B. Chareyre, P. Dorémus, D. Imbault, F.-V. Donzé. Contact impingement in packings of elastic-plastic spheres: application to powder compaction. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 61(1), pp. 32-43
CEGEO, B. Saint-Cyr, K. Szarf, C. Voivret, E. Azéma, V. Richefeu, J.-Y. Delenne, G. Combe, C. Nouguier-Lehon, P. Villard, P. Sornay, M. Chaze, F. Radjai (2011) Particle shape dependence in granular media. EPL 98(4), 44008
V. Richefeu, A. Chrysochoos, V. Huon, Y. Monerie, R. Peyroux, B. Wattrisse (2012) Towards local identification of cohesive zone models using digital image correlation. European Journal of Mechanics - A/Solids 34, pp. 38-51
J.-F. Jérier, B. Harthong, V. Richefeu, B. Chareyre, D. Imbault, F.-V. Donzé, P. Dorémus (2011) Study of cold powder compaction by using the discrete element method. Powder Technology 208(2), pp. 537-541
J.-F. Jérier, V. Richefeu, D. Imbault, F. Donzé (2010) Packing spherical discrete elements for large scale simulations. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering 199(25-28), pp. 1668-1676
F. Radjaï, V. Richefeu (2009) Bond anisotropy and cohesion of wet granular materials. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 367, pp. 5123-5138
F. V. Donzé, V. Richefeu, S.-A. Magnier (2009) Advances in Discrete Element Method Applied to Soil, Rock and Concrete Mechanics. Electronic Journal of Geotechnical Engineering
F. Radjaï, V. Richefeu (2009) Contact dynamics as a nonsmooth discrete element method. Mechanics of Materials 41, pp. 715-728
V. Richefeu, M. S. El Youssoufi, E. Azéma, F. Radjaï (2009) Force transmission in dry and wet granular media. Powder Technology 190(1-2), pp. 258-263
E. Azéma, F. Radjaï, R. Peyroux, V. Richefeu, G. Saussine (2008) Short-time dynamics of a packing of polyhedral grains under horizontal vibrations. European Physical Journal E 26(3), pp. 327-335
V. Richefeu, M. S. El Youssoufi, R. Peyroux, F. Radjaï (2007) A model of capillary cohesion for numerical simulations of 3D polydisperse granular media. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 32(11), pp. 1365-1383
V. Richefeu, F. Radjaï, M. S. El Youssoufi (2006) Stress transmission in wet granular materials. European Physical Journal E 21, pp. 359-369
V. Richefeu, M. S. El Youssoufi, F. Radjaï (2006) Shear strength properties of wet granular materials. Physical Review E 73, 051304
F. Cherblanc, I. Mrani, V. Richefeu, M. S. El Youssoufi, G. Fras, J.-C. Bénet (2002) Couplages déformations/transport dans un milieu bi-constituant élastique. Bulletin des Milieux Poreux et Transferts Hydriques 48, pp. 99-105
Habilitation à Diriger des Recherches (HDR)
Thèse de doctorat (Ph.D thesis)
Mémoire de DEA (Master thesis)
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Toofus rassemble une collection d'outils sous la forme de fichiers d'en-tête autonomes qui peuvent être inclus dans les sources C++ sans autre complication. |
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Rockable est un code DEM écrit en C++. Les deux principales spécificités du code sont (i) l'utilisation de formes sphéro-polyédriques, (ii) la gestion d'interfaces cassables. |
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p-tracker est un outil pour les corrélations d'images numériques (DIC) écrit en C++. Le projet a été initié sous le nom de tracker (sans le p- avant). La particularité du code est qu'il peut suivre les positions 2D des particules sur les photographies sans en perdre. Cela n'est pas possible avec un outil de corrélation conventionnel, aussi performant soit-il. L'accent mis sur la nature discrète du suivi explique pourquoi la méthode est appelée Particle Image Tracking (PIT) plutôt que DIC. Cependant, l'outil est toujours capable d'effectuer le DIC. |
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mpmxdem est une solution polyvalente permettant d'exécuter des simulations par la méthode des points matériels (MPM) avec des modèles constitutifs classiques. En outre, il offre la possibilité d'intégrer des simulations par la méthode des éléments discrets (DEM) 2D/3D avec des conditions aux limites périodiques au sein d'une simulation MPM. Cette intégration permet de générer en direct une loi constitutive homogénéisée numériquement. |
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V. Richefeu et P. Villard (2016) Modeling Gravity Hazards from Rockfalls to Landslides, dans la série ISTE-WILEY "Discrete Granular Mechanics", September 2016 (ISBN:9781785480768) Buy on Amazon Description: Gravity hazards are a major concern to those living in mountainous areas. To protect infrastructure and human life in these areas, engineers require numerical tools for trajectory analysis, for application from fragmental rockfalls to large-scale avalanches or landslides. This book explores state-of-the-art methods to model the propagation (flows and stops) of masses, using the discrete element method (DEM) to study the evolution of kinetics during an event. Taking into account the shape of the blocks and the topology of the terrain provides an explicit and sophisticated consideration of geometries, eliminating the need for stochastic inputs to rockfall simulations. This method is validated experimentally, before the authors apply it to real case studies. The book ends with an introduction to and comparison with the material point method (MPM), a new and promising approach able to bridge the gap between cases dominated by discreteness and those involving a very large number of elements. Engineering consulting firms, researchers and students should find the approaches outlined in this book useful, whether designing prevention and protection systems for gravity hazards, or exploring new ways to model gravity hazards. |
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V. Richefeu, P. Villard, S. Vaucelle (2024) Étude de rebonds de balles sur les carreaux de sols historiques des jeux de paume de Versailles et Villers-Cotterêts, in Archéologie et histoire des jeux de paume en France De Versailles à la Marseillaise (XVIe - XVIIIe siècle), Sous la direction de Jean-Yves Dufour, CNRS Editions, EAN : 9782271151605, mai 2024 |
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C. Alix, F. Médard, V. Richefeu (2024) Les balles de jeu de paume d’Orléans, in Archéologie et histoire des jeux de paume en France De Versailles à la Marseillaise (XVIe - XVIIIe siècle), Sous la direction de Jean-Yves Dufour, CNRS Editions, EAN : 9782271151605, mai 2024 |
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J.-Y. Delenne, V. Richefeu, V. Topin, F. Radjaï (2011) Numerical modeling of cohesive interactions in Discrete Numerical Modeling of Granular Materials, in Discrete-Element Modeling of Granular Materials, Ouvrage collectif coordonné par Farhang Radjai et Frédéric Dubois, iSTE, Wiley Ed., February 2011 |
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J.-Y. Delenne, M. S. El Youssoufi, V. Richefeu, V. Topin, F. Radjaï (2010) Modélisation numérique des interactions cohésives, dans Modélisation numérique discrète des matériaux granulaires, Modélisation numérique discrète des matériaux granulaires (Série Géomatériaux, MIM), Ouvrage collectif coordonné par Farhang Radjai et Frédéric Dubois, Lavoisier, Editions HERMES Science, Juin 2010 |
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J.-C. Bénet, J. Boscus, V. Richefeu (2003) Interaction between aqueous solution transport and stress/strain in a porous medium, IUTAM Symposium on the mechanics of physicochemical and electromechanical interactions in porous media, Rolduc, Kerkrade, Kluwer Academic Pub, The Netherlands (ISBN/SKU: 140203864X) |
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M. S. El Youssoufi, F. Radjaï, V. Richefeu, F. Soulié (2008) Cohésion capillaire des milieux granulaires humides, Micromécanique de la rupture dans les milieux granulaires. Ouvrage collectif coordonné par François Nicot et Richard Wan, Hermès Edition |
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J. Boscus, F. Cherblanc, V. Richefeu, J.-C. Bénet (2005) Mechanical, electrical and osmotic consolidation of Agar gel, Mechanical Modelling and Computational Issue in Civil Engineering, M. Frémond and F. Maceri (Eds), Springer |
Suzanne Lapillonne, Firmin Fontaine, Guillaume Piton, Vincent Richefeu, Frédéric Liébault, Volume, Peak discharge and Froude Number of Debris-Flow Surges: Main Results of the Réal Monitoring Stations (France), 8th International Conference on Debris Flow Hazard Mitigation (DFHM8), 26-29 juin 2023, Torino
Olivier Ozenda, Vincent Richefeu, Guillaume Chambon, Pascal Hagenmuller, A multiscale MPMxDEM model for simulating snowpack deformation and failure, EGU General Assembly 2023, 23-28 avril 2023, Vienna, Austria
Olivier Ozenda, Guillaume Chambon, Vincent Richefeu, Pascal Hagenmuller, Double-scale modelling of avalanche release, International Symposium on Snow, 25-30 septembre 2022, Davos Congress Centre, Davos, Switzerland
Suzanne Lapillonne, Fourtakas Georgios, Guillaume Piton, Vincent Richefeu, Validation of DualSPHysics for viscous newtonian flow fronts, International SPHERIC Workshop, Catania, June 6–9, 2022
Olivier Ozenda, Guillaume Chambon, Vincent Richefeu, Multiscale MPMxDEM method for granular flows with cohesive non-spherical particles, applications to snow avalanches, 18th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC18), 4-6 avril 2022, Oxford, UK
Duc-Chung Vu, Lhassan Amarsid, Jean-Yves Delenne, Vincent Richefeu, Farhang Radjai, Elastic behavior of granular packings: effect of particle shape, 18th European Mechanics of Materials Conference (EMMC18), 4-6 avril, 2022 Oxford, UK
Vincent Richefeu, Let’s code the discrete element method for a deeper understanding, TC105, 29 mars 2022
Vincent Richefeu, Modélisations numériques et analyses expérimentales basées sur des caractères discrets, Séminaire IATE-PMMD, 9 April 2020, Montpellier, France
Couture Cyrille-B, Jacques Desrues, Vincent Richefeu, Pierre Bésuelle, Frédéric Collin, A double-scale FEMxDEM model applied to cohesive-frictional granular materials in polyaxial loading conditions, ALERT European Workshop 2020, Sep 2019, Aussois, France
Couture Cyrille-B, Jacques Desrues, Vincent Richefeu, Pierre Bésuelle, Frédéric Collin, A multi-scale FEMxDEM model applied to cohesive-frictionnal granular geomaterials, 8th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, 21-26 July 2019, Enschede, Netherlands
Marta Stasiak, Gaël Combe, Vincent Richefeu, Discrete Element Model involving the breakage of tube-shaped particles, 8th International Conference on Discrete Element Methods, 21-26 July 2019, Enschede, Netherlands.
Vincent Richefeu, Xavier Franck, Jean-Yves Delenne, Farhang Radjaï, Lattice Boltzmann simulations of the wetting of granular materials, EMI International Conference, 3-5 July 2019, Lyon, France.
Jean-Yves Delenne, Lhassan Amarsid, Patrick Mutabaruka, Vincent Richefeu, Farhang Radjaï, Numerical modelling of fluid-grains interactions, Powders and Granular Materials Challenges and Future Trends, 6-7 June 2019, Montpellier (France)
X. Frank, S. Guessasma, G. Della Valle, S. Nezamabadi, V. Richefeu, F. Radjaï, J.-Y. Delenne. Modélisation péridynamique du comportement à la rupture de mousses solides, Congrès du Groupe Français de Rhéologie, Montpellier, 2019.
X. Frank, J.-Y. Delenne, K. Lampoh, S. Nezamabadi, F. Radjaï, S. Guessasma, G. Della Valle, M. Kristiawan, A.-L. Reguerre, I. Jebalia, V. Richefeu. Modélisation discrète de la déconstruction d’aliments - projet AIC MiDiDAM, Poster presented at Métaséminaire CEPIA, Paris, 2018.